Recap of EXT:news and its budget
This is a personal recap of the decisions and discussions about the declined budget for my TYPO3 extension “news”.
TYPO3 Conference 2016 - Day 2
The TYPO3 Conference T3CON16 is happening in Munich. This post describes talks of the 2nd day.
TYPO3 Conference 2016 - Day 1
The TYPO3 Conference T3CON16 is happening in Munich. This post describes talks of the first day.
TYPO3 Agency Meetup Day (AMD) Vienna
Am 28.9.2016 fand in Wien ein Agency-Meetup-Day (AMD) statt, deren Ziel es ist, die Verantwortlichen von TYPO3 und Agenturen die TYPO3 einsetzen zusammen zu bringen.
Moving support to
The TYPO3 core team anounced during the TYPO3 DevDays 2016 that every Q & A for and by the community should move to
Monitoring TYPO3 installations
If you got more than a dozen of clients it is important to know which extensions and which core versions are used.
shows you all of this information and even more in a clearly arranged module.
Indexing dce elements in solr, used in EXT:news
In a recent project, the extensions solr, news & dce have been used. This blog post describes how relations to dce elements in a news record can be indexed.
How long does it take to add a change
In this post I try to show why adding a simple feature may take a while and why maintaining an extension is something else than just adding some lines of code.
Release of EXT:news 3.2.3
The version 3.2.3 of the popular extension news has just been release to ter. Its target is 6.2 LTS only
Features of TYPO3 CMS 7.4
TYPO3 CMS 7.4 will be released soon and there will be some really awesome features included! I am looking forward to this version so much!